
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

True Life: I'm A Grown Woman And I Can't Swim!

When I was about 5, I was enrolled along with my older brother into a evil religious Summer camp. Thank goodness it was only a day camp. At this camp, they feed us, let us play, shoved religion down our throats and occasionally we will go to a field trip.

The only thing I remember about this camp is when we took a trip to the swimming pool. To make the long story short I went into the deeper end of the pool and  I nearly drowned. Thank goodness a random older girl saved me. This incident didn't cause me to resent being near water but I never learned how to swim!

I'm so embarrassed that I'm 22 and I can't swim. Most of it is my fault. I really hate public pools. I lived in an apartment complex that had some unsavory residents and when the pool hall opened they would occasionally fight each other, sexually harass people and steal your shit while your in the pool. I'm sorry pools=ghetto hoodrats. I don't want random Chief Keef looking guys dunking me or trying to come behind me while I'm treading in the water. Can I just swim in peace?

I prefer lakes, rivers, and beaches. I live in DC and the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers are polluted and filled with snake fish. There's no way in hell I would swim in that murky water. The major beaches are all 3-4 hours away and the only time you can really visit them is in the Summer. By September the water is freezing and it's way to cold to swim in.

So, what is a girl to do? Well this Summer I'm going to suck it up and learn at a pool. There is a nice pool in the Adams Morgan area and I'll just go there to avoid the street urchins and Predator look alikes. I'm not the worst swimmer. I can float and so some basic swim techniques. But I can't swim underwater without freaking out. I'm not attempting to be Micheal Phelps but have to learn this.

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